Monday, April 1, 2013

Our Family is Growing!!

A few weeks ago, Matthew needed to go to Farm King. Anyone with kids know how much fun Farm King is (we often end up looking at saddles, even though we don't own a horse), but the fun is exponentially multiplied when they are having Chick and Bunny Days! The girls always want to look at the darling spring chicks and bunnies. So we piled in the van for Chick and Bunny Days.

We were planning to get a bunny this year for Emily's 4-H project. But we didn't have a hutch built yet. So, we were going to wait a few weeks. This trip to Farm King was strictly for scoping out the available nose-twitchers, not bringing one home.

We got to Farm King and Emily instantly fell in love with an adorable gray and white Mini Rex bunny. So, we purchased a hamster cage (completely furnished with a water bottle and food dish, tunnel and running wheel) and some rabbit food and bedding. We bought the little bunny and our "adoption" was complete. 

She (or he) is a very tame bunny. So far, Emily has been very responsible for it, feeding it and watering it twice a day and cleaning out it's cage every few days. She has even trimmed its nails!!!

We are looking forward to finishing it's hutch so it can live outside rather than in the basement. But, honestly, it hasn't been any trouble at all. It actually makes a great house pet!

Here it is!! I am looking forward to seeing how it does at the fair this summer!!

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