Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday. Good food, LOTS to be thankful for, time with family and mild weather. Oh, and I guess it is important that our favorite football team plays on that day too, although I rarely have time to sit down and watch much of the game. We had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving with Matthew's family on Wednesday, and with my family on Thursday. LOTS of good food and the best company! These photos were all taken on Thanksgiving day with my family. I regret that I didn't take any photos the day before.

Aunt Mary feeding Eli

The girls love to play hair salon at my parent's house. Unfortunately, Uncle Michael fell victim this time! Thanks for being a good sport, Michael.

This might have been the only time Joshua wasn't on the move. I had to snap this shot during a diaper change because it was hard keeping up with him.
Megan and Aunt Mary got a workout on the treadmill after lunch. 

Our beautiful niece!!

Although he didn't have any turkey, Eli crashed after a delicious lunch of oatmeal cereal and sweet potatoes. 

Lissa and Joshua checking out the toys!

Fun-loving Josiah! I caught him playing the Wii in this shot.

I hate to admit it, but I think Emily has a big head!

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