Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treat!!!

It is always fun to see all the different costumes that come out on Halloween. The girls love to dress up and play the role of someone else for the night! This year we had a cowgirl and Princess Annaka (she is a Barbie princess). We went to a few houses and they had fun! I didn't get very many good snapshots, but here are a few!

This was Eli's "costume" this year. Our trick-or-treating consists of driving to houses, so sometimes it is a lot of work to fumble with bulky costumes and car seat straps. When Megan was a baby, we dressed her as a red hot pepper, in an adorable and snuggly costume. However, it was a challenge to get her strapped into her car seat. So, Eli didn't dress up this year. More fun next year!!!

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