Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy birthday to Emily

It is so hard to believe that we have had our sweet Emily for 8 years already!! It has gone by SOOOO quickly. Wasn't it just yesterday that Matthew and I were meeting her for the first time??

We love her so much. I love her curiosity, which has taught me to slow down and truly experience life. I love her imagination, which has taught me not to take life so seriously, and to laugh more. I love her eagerness to learn, which has taught me that the world is full of opportunities. I love her simple faith, which reminds me that God is not to be understood -- just believed in. I love her free spirit, which reminds me that we are not loved because of what we contribute, but simply because we are a soul created and loved by God. 

Emily's special day started with birthday pancakes. Then, she had some family gifts to open. After a little time to play with her new toys, we got school out of the way, which included a PERFECT spelling test. : )

After school, the girls were off to youth group. Then we met up with family at Larry A's for birthday pizza -- our family tradition. She said she had a GREAT day! Happy birthday to our sweet Emily.

Birthday girl 
Birthday pancakes

Great Grandma with Eli

Out for pizza

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