Friday, January 13, 2012

Best Homeschool Tool

One of our BEST homeschool tools is our dry erase boards. We have used them so much that the printed handwriting lines have worn off. There aren't too many days that we don't grab them to work math problems, or for handwriting practice. We buy lots of dry erase markers, but we have saved lots of paper!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can so agree, we have a few of those and our my kids love them. Makes doing some school work so much easier. We are w/o pens right now. :^( Need to get some more. We have a big one on the wall to. That one is low enough for the kids to stand and write on. We also have a chalk board painted on our pantry door.

    Love the Tractor TIme pictures too!

    Lil Momma
    Working hard at improving my son’s reading fluency by using word play games. So far it is working!
