Monday, July 2, 2012

Doing the Strut in Carthage

This morning we awakened early to strut down to the Strawberry Strut in Carthage. Matthew had trained to run their five-mile run and finished 4th place overall despite the heat and hills. Way to go, Matthew. (I say this halfway sarcastically because his trophy shelf has reached capacity and I think he can slow it down a little.) But I am seriously proud of him!
Emily, Megan and I ran the 1-mile fun run and were joined by a friend, Ellie. We had a fantastic run, and all of the girls did a great job, each of them setting a PR! Megan even came home with a 1st place ribbon, which she proudly hung next to her bed. 
Way to go! I love it that they are enjoying a sport that Matthew and I love. 

Waiting for Daddy to finish!


  1. Valerie Ward run? I never woulda thunk it!

    1. I know!!! Now I wish I had run cross country in high school. I love to run!!!!!
