Tuesday, July 3, 2012

When It Rains, It Pours!!

I wish the title to this post was a literal reference to our current weather forecast, but it isn't. We could use a lot of rain, but our forecast for the next week includes four days above 100 degrees and very slight chances for rain. Instead, the title refers to the level of excitement at our house over the past few days. 

Our sweet little boy loves to put things places. We have found chapstick in the shower, hairspray in the kitchen cupboard, toys in the refrigerator and dishwasher, balls in the trash can, and shoes under the couch. He is so busy, and I love that. Last night he decided that the toilet would be a nice place to put our telephone. I had to keep a sense of humor as I fished the telephone from the bowl, with Eli watching me. Despite our valiant efforts to rescue the phone, we declared the phone inoperable this morning. This was only the beginning of our "excitement."

I have never claimed to have much coordination and what happened this morning proves it. While attempting to sweep the kitchen floor, I ran into a chair. OUCH! So, now I am hobbling around on a painful, swollen toe. This one's going to take awhile to recover.  But at least I took time to add cute nail stickers to my toes this morning before the injury!! 

Well, injured or not, the day must go on the housework must be done. So, I begin to unload the dishwasher and notice disgusting dirty brown dishwater standing in the bottom of the dishwasher. I close the door and push the "drain" button. Nothing. I try it again. Still nothing. There must be something plugging the drain. I fish around in the disgusting water (I am getting used to putting my hands in disgusting water.) and cannot find anything plugging the tub. I decide I have done all I can and need to call in the Man of the House!! Plumbing issues are out of my league!

I am thrilled to get a phone call from a friend who found a used jogging stroller for sale. It is an answer to a prayer that I have been offering up to God for a long time now, and I am excited! The only drawback is that the stroller is in Mt. Sterling and must be picked up tonight, or will be sold to someone else. Megan has dance in Carthage tonight, so how can I get to Mt. Sterling to pick up the stroller? Another answered prayer is that a friend, who happens to live in Mt. Sterling, is in LaHarpe tonight, and will be in Macomb tomorrow. So, after a series of phone calls back and forth between the seller of the stroller and my friend, we have a pick-up arrangement, and I get the kids ready to head out the door for dance class. 

As we are leaving, I notice that it is rather warm in the house. I check the air conditioner and it is not working -- again. We have had trouble with it the last week. So, I call Matthew on my way to LaHarpe to let him know that the house may be toasty-warm when he gets home from work.

Praise God that our drive to LaHarpe, and then to Carthage was uneventful. And, I enjoyed visiting with a friend while at dance lesson. She and her family have experienced a period of "excitement" recently and it was great to hear how each of their "fires" were put out!

So, we journeyed home to enjoy supper. Oh, wait. I forgot to thaw out the beef that was going to be our supper. We stop by the grocery store to pick up milk and eggs, and decide to get some fried chicken for supper. At least we'll eat before 8:00 -- or so I think!

We get home and Matthew, my plumbing hero, has taken the dishwasher apart. He pulls off a piece, and all that lovely dirty dishwater pours out all over the floor. We scramble to put down a LOT of towels. I never knew a dishwasher held so much water! Unbelievable! And, alas, Matthew finds the rather small problem that has flooded our kitchen with grossness -- a small piece of fat from a piece of meat. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Matthew! 

I decide to try the air conditioner to see if it will run. Cool air comes flowing from the vents and within an hour the house is comfortable again. God is good!

After cleaning up the kitchen we sit down to our fried chicken, and it is 8:00! And I am more than ready for this day to end and I welcome a good night of sleep. And I look forward to a new adventure for tomorrow, because I am convinced that God is good, that He answers prayer and that my strength comes from Him.

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