Monday, July 2, 2012

June by the Numbers

Well, June has been the busiest month of our year so far. Lots of great events and lots of family time, but I have to admit that I was anxious to flip the calendar to July. So I thought it would be fun to reflect on the month, by the numbers!!

1 graduation party
2 doctor appointments
2 parades
3 races run (Matthew ran 3, the girls and I ran 2)
1 dance performance at Sodbuster Days
2 board meetings
9 softball games
3 t-ball games
3 tumbling lessons
1 evening volunteering
1 home group get-together
1 piano lesson
8 swimming lessons
2 birthday cakes baked and consumed
1 camp meeting 
1 birthday pizza party
1 Father's Day lunch
2 friends overnight
2 birthday parties
5 days of VBS
2 library story hours
2 picnics at the park
1 date night
2 praise team practices and worship
1 trip to Bonkers
2 Little Miss & Master's practices
1 Little Miss & Masters pageant
1 craft led at church camp
1 visit to Niners camp to visit nephew
1 day of day camp for Megan and her cousin, Rachel
1 campout in the yard
1 morning of babysitting
2 VBS meetings
4 days at the B-ville picnic
2 lemon shake-ups (mmmmmm!!)
countless late nights up past midnight

And on top of all of this -- meals and dishes and laundry and shopping. No wonder I'm exhausted!!!! 

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