Monday, June 24, 2013

Running in Blandinsville

Saturday was hot. And humid. By 7 a.m. But races must go on! So in 80 degrees and breath-sucking humidity, Matthew ran 4 miles and, despite his disappointing time on his watch, crossed the finish line before the crowd. 
Way to go, Matthew!!

The girls also had a good 1-mile race. We are looking forward to a few more 1-mile races, and I am trying to convince them to try a 5k. I know they have it in them because they run 1 mile with ease. But I want them to be self-motivated and WANT to run a 5k, not just do it for me!

Kudos to this high school cross country runner who finished after Matthew! He ran hard even though it was  H O T !

Way to go, Brent! See you at the 12:1 Run!

As much as Ronni does NOT like the heat, she had a great race, and a great finish!

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