Tuesday, June 11, 2013

VBS Program

The week was great. We averaged more than 120 children each day of Vacation Bible School, and hopefully learned that there are many ways to serve -- no matter how young we are! It was so much fun to work alongside the Union Church, and I look forward to doing it again next year. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you to so many devoted and caring volunteers.

The Bible lessons were AMAZING! I didn't make it to snack time, but the snacks got rave reviews from the children. The music was catchy -- so catchy that I still can't get them out of my head. And every trip in our van is now a Yancy concert! The games were fun and entertaining. We had some cool service projects, and the preschoolers were energetic. The crafts were REALLY cool! 

There were puppets. And a very popular car wash. And cards to thank those who serve our community. There was glue and there were beads. There was an amazing prayer walk where kids stepped up and led groups in prayer for neighbors in our community. There were trash walks, and relay races. There were challenges, and hopefully conversations that will stick with the kids.

The closing program is always bittersweet. The week is over. All the fun and excitement that we looked forward to for so long has passed -- until next year. And, all the details that go into the week are taken care of. All the late nights (and early mornings) are over. The decorations are put away. The teaching materials are put back into a box. Name badges are emptied and stored until next year. Roger cleans and cleans and cleans. Project completed. And, hopefully, lives impacted! 

Singing their hearts out! Mrs. Burt did a wonderful job with the music, as always. 

We had a picnic after the program. 

Some of my favorite young people. 

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