Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Monsters Invasion

The girls love to watch the Pixar movie, Monsters, Incorporated. So, Eli has seen it several times. I don't think he "gets" the movie. He just likes all the monsters, and will walk around the house saying, "Monsters coming. Monsters coming." I wish I could get a glimpse of what his imagination is dreaming up.

Anyway, I thought this would be a fun cake for Eli's second party. 

We got together with Matthew's side of the family at the park and ate pizza and strawberries. The kids all enjoyed playing on the slides and swings. 

No party is complete without kids swinging baseball bats and a mass collection of candy!

The pinata takes a beating!

Rhett made contact!

And, Emily steps up to the plate!!! Batter, batter,  S-W-I-N-G!!!

Jered takes a swing!

Garrett demolished the remains of our bull pinata!

One very happy birthday boy!

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