Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Look Who's 2 . . . And 3!!

Is it possible? It seems like just yesterday we were meeting our sweet Eli. But, taking time to reflect, I treasure each milestone that has spanned the last two years. 

First smiles. Ok, I know most of what I considered smiling in the beginning was directly related to relief following a bodily function. But, I treasure all the smiles, not just the intentional ones!!

First cereal, and discovering for the first time what foods would be accepted, and which would be rejected. 

First tooth. Oh, how I wasn't ready to lose that gummy grin. But, the teeth filled in (usually four at a time) to give Eli the look of a little boy instead of a baby.

Mobility firsts -- rolling, scooting, crawling, walking! Once he started, he never stopped!

First words. The girls love teaching Eli new words. He talks and talks and talks and talks.

I could go on and on and on. There is something so special and wonderful about watching a child learn new skills and gain new experiences. 

I'll sum this blog entry up by saying that Eli has added so much joy to our family. And we are so thankful for him!

Eli was born on a special date -- his cousin's birthday. Eli is exactly one year younger than Joshua. 

The larger the farm equipment -- the better. This little guy is all boy! One of his favorite things to do outside is to climb up on the tractor seats and grip the huge steering wheel. 

Apparently Joshua was tired of the cameras and flash, and ready to cut the cake!!!

I don't know if our singing was horrible, or whether Joshua is just not a fan of the song. Regardless, his reaction to our rendition of "Happy Birthday" was priceless!

Candles don't stay lit long around Eli!

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