Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I Had a Date -- But Not With Matthew!!!

If I were to be completely honest, one of the biggest challenges for me in this parenting adventure is finding one-on-one time. It is important. Rarely can a conversation take place that isn't interrupted. There is a lot going on and at the end of the day, sometimes I feel like most of our conversations have been during our school day! I have been frustrated trying to remedy this little problem.

So, Matthew and I are going to start scheduling one-on-one time with the girls. It seems silly, but if we don't have a visual reminder, a month or two will go by unnoticed. This month the girls each received a coupon for a date with one of us. And they were THRILLED!

Emily got a date with me, and we had the best time! We didn't get home until 10 p.m., and her siblings were fast asleep. So -- bonus -- she got to stay up later than her brother and sister as well as go out for an evening of fun!

The next morning, Matthew and Megan took off for breakfast. So cute. Megan wanted to wear a dress to get doughnuts at the Amish bakery! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Matthew for bringing us extra doughnuts! What a treat!

I'd love to hear how your family keeps up with one-on-one time. Once the parents are outnumbered by the short people in the house it becomes a challenge. I'd love to hear how your family keeps up with one-on-one time.

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