Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Valentine's Day FULL of Love!!

I try to make special memories with our family, as most parents do. I know the time is too short, and soon they will start flying out of the nest and I don't want to regret any missed opportunities. So, I tend to celebrate -- even in the smallest ways -- special days. 

We have celebrated National Ice Cream Day, and National Ice Cream Month, National Pizza Day, April Fool's Day, and Purim among many others. And, of course, I try to make calendar holidays special.

So, to start out this Valentine's Day, we had heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast. We had school. Then we decorated!

To make the day more exciting (definitely more exciting) and special, we planned a Valentine's party for friends. I thought it would be nice, since Valentine's Day fell on a Friday, to have a party, and allow parents a chance to go to dinner if they wanted to. 

We welcomed 13 friends over for dinner, games and crafts. We had baked spaghetti, corn, jello jigglers, a fruit platter and a heart-shaped rice krispie treat. We played Hot Potato, had a bean bag toss, and had a scavenger hunt (the favorite!!) We guessed how many m&ms were in a jar, stacked candy hearts, and even got out finger paints and made cards!!! Some of the children played hide-and-go-seek. Some got out Legos. And some watched a movie.

It was loud. It was active. It was fun.

A HUGE thank you goes out to Kathy, for coming over and being a HUGE help with the babies. And for Matthew, who is always a HUGE help and a good sport about being drug into my ideas!!! I love you both and can't thank you enough!

Playing Hot Potato.

Results from our "Guess How Many Valentine-Colored M&Ms Are In The Jar" contest. Way to go, Ellie! 

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