Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ag Mech Show

Our family had the joy of welcoming two wonderful little girls into our home overnight this past weekend. Paige and Ava were a great pleasure to have around. They were a blast and our girls and Eli had so much fun with them.

One thing we did with them was go to the Ag Mech Show on the WIU campus in Macomb. Initially, some of the kids wanted to stay home, but once we started walking around they realized how much fun they were having! There were a variety of booths, each with a basket or bowl of candy, which especially appealed to Emily's sweet tooth. The McDonough County Farm Bureau had a scavenger hunt for children, and we walked around searching for answers to ag-related trivia questions. Farm King brought live bunnies to advertise their upcoming bunny sale. One booth had a bulldog that the girls loved petting. There was one booth serving up cotton candy and one booth with a fresh popcorn bar. One booth was baking fresh chocolate chip cookies, and another handed out helium balloons.

We spent two hours mingling with people and completing the scavenger hunt. Meanwhile, Eli and Matthew spent most of that time climbing on farm equipment. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to cruise upstairs to the craft show or the toy show, and didn't have time to wait in line for face painting. But I think everyone had a blast! 

Thanks to the Blankenship girls for sharing this fun afternoon with us!

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