Monday, February 10, 2014

The Count Is On

We are an Olympic-loving family. Winter, summer . . . doesn't make a difference to us. We watch most of the televised events (as our schedule allows) and soak up the thrill of competition. We love to hear our national anthem played at podium ceremonies. We follow the medal count and cheer on our American athletes.

I love that the world comes together to play fair and show the world what incredible work ethic and determination can do! I love that these are ordinary people (with great athletic gifts and unimaginable hours of training) that are working jobs or going to school just like us!

I love to hear the stories behind the athletes -- of the family members or trainers who have cheered them on for 15 years. Or of the sacrifice that was required to get them to this incredible point in their lives. I love to watch clips of past events and see how sports progress.

So, we have begun our medal count on the refrigerator. This is a very simple chart that we fill out each morning to start our school day -- not because we need to work on color matching or fine motor skills or skip-counting by 4's. We just like the simple visual to represent a lot of blood, sweat and tears by our amazing athletes.

What am I doing here? I could be in the other room watching speed skating. Outta here!


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