Saturday, June 14, 2014

Easter -- better late than never!!??!!

Ok, so I know Easter is long gone, and I missed the "Easter photo" boat. I enjoyed seeing posts from friends and family of their Easter egg hunts, Easter dresses and Easter dinners. So, I guess this post is better late than never.

I took the kids to Macomb for the Easter egg hunt organized by The Crossing. I will say that the hunt (which is more accurately and Easter egg collection because there is no hunting involved here) was very, very well organized. It was fun for the kids. 

Now, last year Eli had absolutely no interest in picking up plastic eggs at the egg hunts we took him to. This year seemed to be quite the same. When his toddler "hunt" took place, I could not have paid him to pick up an egg. Finally, I collected an egg and threw it in his basket for him, and we turned it in for a treat bag. I cannot figure this out! All the other kids go wild, and Eli just stands. Despite all the explanations I offer, he has no desire to join in the colorful chaos.

At the "hunt."

I did catch Eli picking up eggs -- at the end of Megan's hunt. I was down on the field and caught him filling up his basket after her hunt was over.

Emily was all about competition. It took her no time at all to fill her basket!

And here are our sweet little ones on Easter morning. I RARELY get Emily to wear a dress, so this was an extra special occasion. She did it without any begging, pleading, groveling!

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