Thursday, January 13, 2011

No More Icky Medicine!!!

FINALLY, Megan polished off her Amoxicillin. Last night she took her last dose. In the beginning, each dosage was a struggle. One morning it took me two hours to get her to take it!! We soon learned that we could not reason with her, explaining that if she doesn't take her medicine she could get an infection and have to go get more medicine -- or, even worse, a shot! No, that would not work with her. Matthew finally figured out that she liked a little sugar mixed in with it (even though it is bubble gum flavored) and that worked for a while. But, she soon wanted more than a little sugar -- she graduated to an entire Reese's peanut butter cup. So, the past two days, every time she had to take medicine, she requested a Reese's peanut butter cup to cleanse her mouth of the medicine taste. I know, this seems crazy, but it worked every time. For those of you parents out there who have a child who refuses to take medication, you might understand where I am coming from. : )


  1. That's funny, my kids would drink the whole bottle of amoxicillin if you'd let them. They love it and try to fake sick to get it! I even love the stuff! I know where you're coming from with prescription cough medicine though. Or try having your child pee in a cup. It took us 2 hours at home for Ellie to do that! Not pleasant!

  2. Peeing in a cup . . . that is one thing we have tried and not yet accomplished yet. Poor Ellie!
