Thursday, January 6, 2011

Not-So-Speedy Recovery

Well, Megan was up and around a lot on Tuesday, so I thought her recovery would be a breeze. Yesterday, however, Megan was not very active at all -- just wanted to sit on the couch and watch tv, or lay in her bed and read books or have me rock her. She didn't eat much at all, and didn't drink as well either. Morning medicine only took 5 minutes to give her, but in the evening we had to struggle to get her to take it. She complained of stomach cramps and had a slight fever in the morning. She looked pale and her eyes were droopy all day, looking like she could fall asleep at any moment. And she didn't talk much -- just point and grunt for things because her throat was sore. It was a long and exhausting day, and just as she was crawling into bed and I was glad that she would be getting a good night's rest, she got sick. After cleaning her up and cleaning up the floor we read a Berenstein Bear's book and she fell asleep quickly. Praying that today she will feel better than yesterday. I miss our little girl who is usually full of life, joy and energy and never short on smiles and giggles. And I am sure she misses feeling good too! Today, we plan to relax again and watch some of Little House on the Prairie (thanks to a friend for loaning us Season 1!!!) and hopefully have energy to play some games. Thanks, again, for the prayers.


  1. Prayers on the way! If we can do anything just let us know.

  2. Thanks, Christopher. Today has been better, and Megan has had more of an appetite and had more energy. The great news is that she is already sleeping better and her throat is a little less sore today. She doesn't take her pain medication, so she is toughing out the soreness. She is stubborn when it comes to medicine. She always has been. : (

  3. Grace ranks right up there with Megan on taking medicine! Glad to hear she's feeling better today. Maybe we can get together for a playdate soon!
