Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Plum Crisp????

The girls and I were getting groceries last week and Emily spotted canned plums. She wanted to get them, since she likes plums. Never having tried them, I hesitated, and then decided not to spoil her enthusiasm for the tasty fruit. So, today, at lunch I put the canned plums on the table. They smell JUST like plum baby food. They looked less than appetizing, and nobody could guess what they were. But we were brave and tried them. Megan first. She stated that she did not like it. Next was Emily. She said it was good, although she did not want a second one. So, Matthew, our bravest food tester, gave it a try. He ate it, although not without some entertaining faces. I was last to try. The taste was pretty good. The texture and appearance were less than desirable. 

So, Matthew and I were discussing what we could do with all this leftover fruit. He suggested pureeing it, and I thought it might add nice flavor to applesauce. Then I suggested making it into a crisp. Matthew said that might be pretty good -- with a lot of crisp on top. So, tonight at supper we will be trying plum crisp. It may be a bust, but I think it will be a new family favorite, don't you??

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