Saturday, November 23, 2013

Give Thanks -- Not Just in November

Thanksgiving is in the running for my favorite holiday. What can you NOT like about the food and family time and fall weather and football?

Although not a traditional religious holiday, it is a time that our family tries to focus on the truth that ALL good things -- large and small -- are showered on us from God above. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

It is so easy to forget that without God we have nothing. We live in a society that teaches independence and self-sufficience. 

We like to think that if we have it, we earned it. 

But, we frequently mistake earnings for pure blessings. 
It is easy to do. 

And, unfortunately, our culture often mistakes materialism for success. You really have to be very intentional in your actions to raise children who do not get swallowed by this falsehood.

After several trips to build houses in the poorest communities in Mexico, I have learned that joy is NOT directly correlated with your possessions. In fact, I would argue that the happiest people on earth do not have the thickest wallets or a six-digit salary. Having "things" is not wrong, but to some people it actually can hinder gratitude. That seems backwards -- that the more you have, the less thankful you are. 

So this Thanksgiving -- and every day -- find reasons to thank God for every gift He has showered on you. 

Be intentional, and pass it on to the next generation.

I'll be sharing a few crafts the kids have made to remind us to have a heart of gratitude. This craft above is one that I threw together very quickly and inexpensively ($4.00 max!!). It is just a cheap wooden frame, a piece of printed vellum and a scrap of scrapbook paper. I keep it on my dresser with a dry erase marker. Each morning I scribble on the glass something or someone that I am thankful for, and say a prayer of thanksgiving to go along with it. 

Simple. Easy. Inexpensive. Meaningful. Intentional.

Give Thanks -- at Thanksgiving and always!!

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