Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Favorite Math Tool

Are you looking for a great new math tool that helps learn and review math facts? I was too! We had grown weary of the many flashcards that we used to learn math facts.

Then we discovered Learning Wrap-Ups! The girls LOVE them, and do them without asking sometimes. 

Here's how they work. On the Wrap-Up below, we are working on multiplying by 1. You multiply each digit in the left column by the number in the middle of the "key." Then, you find the answer in the right column and wrap the cord around that notch. You bring the cord back around to the next digit in the left column, and work your way down. 

One great thing is that when you are finished, you flip the "key" over and check your own answers! They are easy to stick in a backpack or purse, so we have worked on them in the van!

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