Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A New "Farm" on Our Farm

I was not thrilled when we scored an ant farm at a White Elephant gift exchange this past year. I don't mind ants, but I don't like them in the house. One careless mistake and these ants could be looking for crumbs on my kitchen counters. No, I wasn't excited. But the girls were!!!

So, we ordered our ants online, according to the instructions that came with the Ant Farm. They would be delivered by way of the US Postal Service, and a delivery date was dependent on the weather. The company waits until temperatures are warm to stick the little tube of ants in the mail. I had my doubts that any of them would survive the trip. But one morning our mail carrier brought a package to the door containing a test tube of red ants. 

Ever since then we have really enjoyed watching them tunnel through this green gel. Every day there is more progress, and it amazes me how much they can accomplish in one day. 

After watching them work I was reminded of a memory verse the girls and I memorized last year. 

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise.  Proverbs 6:6

It is true -- these little creatures are amazing to watch and their little legs and jaws seem to have super-strength! 

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