Monday, November 25, 2013

Learning the Layers of the Earth -- in Edible Fashion!!

Our girls always love to get their hands dirty with a project. And, if it is edible, that's a bonus! Here is a project I found on pinterest that illustrates the different layers of the earth. 

We used an M&M to represent the earth's solid inner core. 

The M&M was tucked inside a big toasting marshmallow -- the kind that begs to be slid on the end of a hot dog stick and rotisseried over a hot fire!! The big marshmallow represents the earth's outer core.

Next, we cooked up a batch of rice krispie treats and formed a ball covering the marshmallow and M&M. The rice krispie layer is the mantle. This step was a bit messy and sticky, so the girls coated their hands in butter so they could handle and form their edible globes.

We put the ball into the freezer, and once it was frozen we covered it in chocolate fudge Magic Shell. The chocolate coating represents the earth's crust.

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