Monday, February 25, 2013

Another Milestone

The first few years of a baby's life are full of milestones
I greet each one with mixed emotions.

Our latest milestone is the retirement of the crib. A huge "thank-you" to our dear friends, Ashley and Ryan, for loaning us their crib since my brother was using our crib. What a blessing to benefit from their kindness.

Eli loves his new freedom to be able to crawl out of bed on his own. 

Draped from Eli's crib is a sentimental quilt that Aunt Melissa made for our sweet Emily when she was born. 

And, his crib sheets -- I made them with a super simple pattern!

I found this vinyl wall art online, and knew it would be perfect for our little guy's room. The only problem is that his walls all have rough texture, so they can't be used directly on the walls. Easy solution -- I framed them! 

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