Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Late Christmas

My brother and his family came home from Indiana to celebrate Christmas at the beginning of January and the plan was that my sister and I would meet at Mom's house with our families to celebrate Christmas (without my oldest brother who couldn't make it home). We were all looking forward to getting together, planned the food we would bring, and wrapped our gifts for all the kids. 

And, then my family got the flu -- all five of us. So we missed out. It was a long two weeks of fever, kleenexes, sneezing, medications, aches and chills, never-ending runny noses, juice, soup, sleepless nights, coughing, more kleenexes, and lots of cuddling on the couch. It was a LONG two weeks, but, thankfully, my wonderful mother-in-law lives close and brought us medication when we ran out. Anyway, we missed our Christmas get-together.

But, we did have a chance to see my brother and his family the day before they left. Here are a few snapshots of the kids getting Christmas gifts from Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Michael and Aunt Hannah!

Eli LOVES his new racetrack. Every car we have has taken runs down the high-speed, gravity-powered track!

It only took Emily a day to get all of their Lego sets together. They have a stable with jumps, a vet clinic, a jeep and trailer and 5 horses with riders. I love it that Lego has sets that interest girls too!
Here is the vet clinic!
Megan recorded a Charlie Brown Christmas book for her little cousin, Joshua! 

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