Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Field Trip to the ISM

Nothing is more fun than an impromptu field trip, right? We had been thinking about taking the kids to the Illinois State Museum in Springfield for awhile, but just never jumped in the van and made the drive over. So, finally, I just scheduled it into our school week. Matthew had time to go with us (which will change soon) so we took advantage of family time, and even picked up Grandma Kathy for the trip!

What treasures we found in this museum. Everyone had a great time exploring life in Illinois through the centuries. I think all of us learned through the many displays. Emily seemed to really enjoy the animal displays, and Megan enjoyed the Native American hall. I think the highlight for Eli was his first experience with an escalator. He could have ridden up and down all day, and was a pro at boarding and exiting the moving staircase!

"Move over, Emily!! I want to see the tortoise too."  

Absolutely beautiful geology pieces!

Megan liked working these puzzles to re-construct pottery pieces.

This might be on Emily's Christmas wish list -- a microscope with a projector!
The display was amazing and there was SO much to look at!

Eli patiently waited his turn to drive this jeep.  
Here is Megan digging for ancient artifacts!

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