Friday, January 31, 2014

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Carton!!!

When I buy eggs, I usually buy an extra dozen. Why? Hard-boiled eggs are a great snack. They are a quick breakfast. The kids love 'em. They are even great in a picnic lunch!

I found it most convenient to boil a dozen at a time and -- boom -- instant healthy snack. In the fridge, ready to eat.

I keep ours in a labeled egg carton, on top of the carton of raw eggs.

Last week we were reading in Ramona Quimby, Age 8. One chapter focuses on a new school lunch fad -- hard-boiled eggs. Everyone is bringing eggs in their lunches and crack the eggshells on their heads. Ramona is excited to see that her mother has included an egg in her lunch, per her request. However, when she cracks the egg on her head, egg white and yolk emerge to make quite a mess in her hair. Her mother had put the wrong egg in her lunch!!!!!

If only Ramona's mother had labeled her boiled eggs! 

So, boil your eggs. Eat your eggs. But, don't forget to LABEL your eggs!

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