Friday, January 3, 2014

Rubber Band Art

The girls got a loom to make new bracelets. (Thanks to Aunt Mary and Uncle Jeff for such a thoughtful Christmas gift.) It has expanded the styles of bracelets they can make. I love the creativity they put into choosing their colors.

They are still selling bracelets to earn money for World Vision. If you haven't bought one and still want one, let me know. These loom bracelets are $4 each, and you can choose your colors. They still have the $1 bracelets, $3 fishtail bracelets and $2 necklaces to sell too! 

They put ALL the money into a box for World Vision, so you really are helping two little girls meet their donation goal!

This is called a fishtail bracelet, and can be done in any color scheme.

These are all fishtail bracelets. 

The necklaces are $3.

These bracelets are $4 each.

This is a starburst bracelet, and can be done in some really cool color combinations. It is $4.

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