Thursday, January 23, 2014

Learning By Doing at the Depot

I was excited to hear the the Discovery Depot finally opened their doors after undergoing a complete facelift! It isn't a huge children's museum, but gives plenty of hands-on learning and role playing. And it's close to home!

We chose a day that was bitter cold so we could convince Dad that it was too cold to work outside and that he should come along. It didn't take much convincing! He was caught up on bookwork and anything outside could wait until warmer weather.

Check out these photos. The place looks great! Updated and fresh and fun! There is a supervised art studio with a planned project. They also offer a home school program on Thursday afternoons.

It was a lot of fun, but I do have one word of warning to those who have been blessed with OCD. (Don't know if this is you? Look in your billfold. Are all your dollar bills facing the same way??? I am talking to YOU!!!)

You will be constantly compelled to sort and straighten up. 
I sorted all the pizza toppings into separate bins, organized the grocery store and lined up the firefighter's boots by size. My advice to you is RESIST! In about 8 seconds, some pre-schooler will come and trash the whole area. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that someone else takes home a paycheck for cleaning up the mess! I have taught my children to pick up after themselves, but I had to let go of feeling responsible for picking up after every other child in the museum. LET IT GO!!!! And enjoy your kids!

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