Friday, January 3, 2014

Fun to Welcome 2014!!

I don't know who decided that we should stay up to see the very first second of the new year. I don't know who saw this as an important, monumental moment in time. But it gives a good excuse to hang out with family and friends, eat way too much and play games late into the night. So glad for the friends that came over for one last hurrah in 2013!

This is a new game Emily got for Christmas -- Kilter. We love it as it stretches our minds to think strategically!

We first started hosting friends when we were first married. The gathering has changed a bit over the years as we have added the joy and laughter of children. Here is the great group of children that played this year. 
(I apologize for Emily's silly face. I have no good explanation for it! )

We ate. And ate. And ate.


Guess who stayed up until midnight???? Our three children. But, they slept until 8. It might have been worth it!

Ok, they were awake at midnight, but Eli was the only one who was active. Megan was the first to drift off, and Emily would have talked all night. Eli fell asleep pretty quickly.

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