Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Why We Homeschool

There are many reasons a family choose homeschooling as an alternative to the traditional education system. For some, it is for religious reasons. Some parents want to control social influences that naturally happen when you throw a group of peers together for the majority of their waking day.  For some students, homeschooling is an option that allows them to get specialized help. Some feel that the public education that is offered is not sufficient. Some may be rescuing their children from social conflict. None of these reasons played into our decision for alternative education.

If I could rewind my life and play it back 5 years ago, I would never guess that homeschooling our children would consume my days. The plan was as follows: Megan would start kindergarten and Emily would be in 1st grade. I would try my hand at substitute teaching. I thought I had it all figured out! But, there was another plan for my life. 

Re-wind. Emily is in kindergarten. Megan is in pre-school at the same public school. One really warm spring day, the school bus pulls into our driveway, as it does five days a week at 4:15 p.m., delivering our two daughters. The girls' clothes are soaked through with sweat. Their faces are beet red and they look exhausted. I ask them how their day is and we go inside for a snack. 

Emily asks, "Mom, can you homeschool us next year?" The question comes out of nowhere. I didn't even know she was aware of homeschooling as an option. She loves school, loves her teacher, loves her friends. She gets good grades, has a good attitude at school. So, I am puzzled at her request. 

Her reasoning is a valid one -- school takes her away from home for so long each day. It is true. And, she and her sister spend an hour and a half each day on a big bus. It isn't practical to make two 20-mile round-trip drives to their school each day, so the bus is the most logical way to get them to and from school. Unfortunately, our rural school district is spread out and we live on the outskirts of the district, resulting in an early pick-up and a late drop-off. When they get home, not much of her day is left before supper, baths and bedtime. 

I talk it over with Matthew. Should we homeschool? Can I homeschool? Is it right for our family? We pray about it and feel that it could be where God is leading our family. 

So, we leapt into a new adventure. And I am so thankful we did! We have enjoyed the last four years so much, and I truly feel that God is guiding us. I have learned A LOT and grown a lot. We have laughed a lot, and cried a few tears along the way. We have taken family field trips. 

As corny as it may sound, I truly believe God has purposed me to be at home -- with all three of our children. I didn't see it coming, but I am so glad that I don't have it all figured out, because we would have missed out on so much!

 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11

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