Friday, March 21, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

It doesn't take much time to make an ordinary day into a memory!
The night before St. Patrick's Day I snuck around the house and hid scavenger hunt clues. So, the morning began with a scavenger hunt around the house to lead them to the ultimate prize -- a jar filled with a candy rainbow.

Then I sat the kids down on the rug with a breakfast treat -- Lucky Charms. They ate while I read a book about Saint Patrick, and discussed the hardships he overcame because of his passion for his beliefs. I pulled out some fun leprechaun books to end our reading time.

Of course, rainbows are fun to make with fruit, so Emily helped me make a rainbow of fruit before swimming lessons. My fruit-eating family cleaned the plate!

After swimming lessons we came home to a treat -- leprechaun floats. Simple and fun -- a scoop of lime sherbet topped with Sprite.

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