Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bird Watching on the Mississippi

All winter we have wanted to take the kids in search of the majestic bald eagles that live and fish along the river all winter. It seemed like our schedules never allowed for the trip to the river. I know that it is late in the season for eagle spotting, but we took the chance, not knowing what we would discover.

We drove to Nauvoo and followed the river, stopping along the road to watch the wildlife and take photos. Our trek took us into Keokuk. 

At first, we saw a lot of gulls. When I say a lot, I mean thousands, without exaggeration! These birds were everywhere. If there was a log floating in the river, they would be lined up -- wing to wing -- along the floating log. They were bobbing in the water. They flew with grace overhead. They were a lot of fun to watch. 

We saw ducks and geese. No eagles yet. But we did see a crane which was beautiful also.

While we were all admiring the river birds, Matthew looked along the road and announced our first eagle spotting! Sure enough, and eagle was flying over our van, following the road to the north. I was thankful that we had seen one, so the girls wouldn't be too disappointed. 

We drove a little further and on a log floating in the river sat two beautiful bald eagles -- one on each side of the log. Interestingly, no gulls dotted the log between them. They were not sharing their "raft" with any of the lesser significant birds!

We saw several other eagles either in flight or resting in trees. They were beautiful. Next year we hope to make it to the river in January or February for a better viewing and to watch them fish in the river.

Although we didn't see a lot of eagles, we did see a lot of pelicans. And I mean A LOT of pelicans. There were hundreds and hundreds of these awkward looking birds. The largest congregation of these long-necked birds was south of the dam, across from Keokuk. We stopped and got out to watch them and play a little bit on the boat ramp.

I am not sure what this fish is, but the kids were amazed at the long row of tiny, sharp teeth. This was among several dead fish that we found among the rocks. Of course, Emily was thoroughly interested in examining the carcasses.

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