Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Get In My Belly, Chocolate Pudding Pie!

One thing I love to do is spend time in the kitchen. It works out great for Matthew because he loves to eat.  My mom has never liked to spend time in the kitchen -- that is no secret. Mom sent me off to college with skills, but cooking was not one of them. I don't think she even owns a cookbook! After getting married, my menu was very limited, and I have to say that Matthew is a very patient (and now a well-fed) man. As I deciphered recipes and tried new things every week, we now have so many favorite recipes that I can't fit them all on our monthly menu.

One thing I want to teach our children (yes, even Eli) is to prepare food. And, when I talk about preparing food, I am not talking about simply popping a frozen pizza into the oven or opening a can of soup. Sure, we do that from time to time, especially when we don't have much time to spend cooking. But, I want them to learn how to read and follow a recipe. So I encourage them to help with meal planning and preparation. 

Last week, while grocery shopping Megan asked if we could make a pudding pie. Simple enough for little hands to help, and delicious enough to be devoured by kids of all ages! So we backtracked through the grocery store and picked up the ingredients that we needed for the pie. Oreos, butter, Cool Whip and chocolate pudding. Megan chopped the Oreos and stirred the pudding. She pressed the Oreo crust into the pie plate. Then she layered the pudding and Cool Whip over the crust, and garnished the pie with delicate chocolate shavings. Mmmmmmmmmmm! 

Note to Megan's future husband: You're welcome!!   ; P

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