Friday, April 13, 2012

A Little April Fool's Day Mischief

For some reason, the girls LOVE pulling little pranks for April Fool's Day. They REALLY, REALLY love pranks. They talk about it all year long, but most of the pranks they want to pull on their Dad, and most of them I have to veto. Their ideas usually include nail polish and makeup to be applied while Matthew is sleeping. 

This year, we decided to play a little bit with mealtime. We made color changing jello. It looks like cherry, but tastes like grape. We replaced Matthew's glass of water with a glass of invisible Kool-Aid, and then served "miniature" breakfast foods for dessert. The girls had lots of fun, and the pranks were harmless. So, now, the brainstorming for next year begins. : )

All of these tiny treats are actually candy!
What a fun idea that we got from Clubhouse! magazine.

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