Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Birthday, America!

Ok, did anyone else think that July came out of nowhere? It snuck up and we didn't do as much as we normally do to celebrate our national freedoms. I had intended to make flag t-shirts with each of the kids, and thought we might get out the tent and go camping. I didn't even get out our patriotic decorations to place around the house. None of this happened this year, but we were busy, so I am cutting myself some slack. Maybe we'll have some red, white, and blue fun for Flag Day. When is that, anyway??

The last few weeks have been so busy, with Megan and Emily both attending church camp at different times. And dentist and orthodontist appointments. And rushing to finish 4-H projects. All on top of the normal swimming lessons and Sunday school lessons and gardening and cooking and cleaning and dishes and laundry. Wow! No wonder we have felt overwhelmed. And, the week of the 4th, Matthew and his brother Jeffrey were baling hay late most nights! So, it has been a long few weeks!

Amidst the busyness, we (barely) made it to see Raritan's fun fireworks display on the 3rd. Matthew got home from working about 8 p.m., had a quick supper and shower, and we drove a few minutes to a favorite viewing spot to see the show. I got a few photos. The best part of the evening was hearing the five cousins (Emily, Megan, Eli, Evan and Will) enjoy being together. They ooh-ed and aah-ed their favorite displays. They have so much fun together! We are looking forward to it next year!!

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