Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Bucket Calves

This year, we ended up with three bucket calves. The girls have spent so much time with them that they are pretty tame, so Emily decided to show Love at the fair in the bucket calf event. It was a fun event that introduces children to the fun of showing. 

First, Emily got Love cleaned up and loaded on the trailer. Matthew took Love to the fairgrounds while I took Emily and Megan to swimming lessons. We got to the fairgrounds shortly before the event started. The kids were introduced with their calves, and then interviewed by the judge. The judge would ask their name and age, and then a variety of questions regarding the age of the calf, what the calf eats and the calf's name. It was fun, and all the kids and calves did a GREAT job!

Emily's interview

Emily absolutely loves her calf. She is so proud of her, and prays that Matthew will keep Love as a heifer to breed. 

Evan and his calf, Rosie

Afterwards, the little boys played with tractors in the gravel.

Our nephew, Will

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