Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Our Newest Bottle Calf

Here is our newest bottle calf, Tiny. She is a twin, and her brother and mother are doing well. Unfortunately, as the smaller calf, she wasn't getting enough to eat on the cow. Matthew brought her in so we could care for her and hopefully help her grow. She is very small, and initially could barely finish half a bottle at one feeding! But now, she is eating 3/4 of a bottle twice a day, and seems to be slowly growing and gaining strength. All of the kids enjoy feeding Tiny -- even Eli! Eli is actually taller than the calf, and she is very gentle. She doesn't butt the bottle which makes her easy to feed! 

Emily has a special attachment to all our animals -- even some of the feedlot cattle! I call her our "animal whisperer" because I believe she can tame anything. With animals, she is so patient and gentle and gains their trust quickly!

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