Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Spot's "Home Away From Home"

It was a hot day, so Spot spent a lot of time under his fan. Emily does a great job keeping his water and feed filled. She has really taken ownership, and I love that her 4-H projects have given her so much responsibility. 

I hope Spot gets a good night's rest because tomorrow morning is his show. We are proud of Emily and Spot, no matter how they do. 

Here is Spot's "home away from home."


  1. Ah I remember 4H...lots of ribbons for my arts and crafts. Does Emily go to 4H camp? My new job training is at the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo this September...looking forward to the festivities.

    1. No, Emily does not go to 4H camp. She went to church camp for 4 days/3 nights this year, and will go a full week next summer. We would like to take the kids to the Illinois State Fair next month if Matthew's schedule allows it. Have fun in Colorado -- a state I would love to see!
