Monday, July 1, 2013

Off to Camp . . . Again!!

It's Emily's turn! Yesterday we dropped Emily off for her camp adventure -- First Chance Camp  -- three nights away from home! I think the toughest decision she will make all week was deciding which cabin to bunk in! She put so much logic in the decision -- how far away from the bathroom she would be, how far away from the pool, where her friends were. Finally, she settled in cabin 3 and Matthew made her bunk for her. Of course, she chose a top bunk because it is CLEARLY more fun to climb up and down to sleep! 

We hung around, visiting with other parents and watching all the children play. And, when the bell rang to summon all the campers to the dining hall, she took off without a hug, wave or good-bye. * Sigh *  With mixed emotions I admit she is growing into her independence and cutting some apron strings. 

I am praying for this great group of campers, and the outstanding staff that will be leading them. They are at such a great age, an age where they are becoming more serious about their faith in God and their part in His kingdom. 

Playing tetherball with Ellie.

I can only imagine the great history behind these tetherball courts. I would guess that several generations have had their faces smashed by thid speeding ball on a rope!

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