Friday, July 12, 2013

Showing the Hog

I learned a lot from our first year showing at 4-H. I learned that there showers range from casual to very serious. Some take a few projects -- some take the maximum. Some spend their summers going from one fair to another, while others just do one fair. But no matter what level of commitment to showing, everyone is so nice! It is fun to hang out with these kids and their families. It is a family-oriented environment. 

Emily's hog got 4th place. It was fun to see Emily care so much for Spot, laying down in the pen with him and using his belly as a pillow. It was fun to see him enjoy the attention we gave him. It was fun to see him dart into the show ring, full of energy and without any self-control. Most of all, it was great to see Emily calmly meet up with her hog at the other end of the show ring, with great control and patience. 

More important than the ribbons and premium money she earned were the compliments I received regarding her personality and attitude. Those I will cherish long after the ribbons are tucked away and the money is deposited in the bank. Emily has a sweet, gentle spirit, but it is often missed because of her timid personality. 

Well done, Emily! Looking forward to next year's fair, where I have been informed that we will need more than one Butler stall in the swine building!

The judge inspects Spot.

Spot is on display at the premium auction, which is a fundraiser for the kids and 4-H. Bidders donate money and 85% of the money bid goes to the 4-H kids, with the remaining 15% going to 4-H. Emily's top bid surprised us, and we are thrilled that she is being rewarded for her responsibility and hard work.

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