Saturday, August 17, 2013

Browns Oakridge Zoo

We love going to this little privately-owned zoo! It is a low-key zoo, but we always love learning about the animals. We were excited to share the day with a good family friend, Anna! 

When we got to the zoo, we were introduced to this little oinker. He is a miniature pot-belly pig, and just born that morning. Cute, cute, cute. There are 9 baby pigs, all for sale -- only $50 each. If you have ever wanted a pot-belly pig this is your chance! The girls begged, but I turned them down. As cute as they are, we will not have a pig living in our house!

We were early enough to feed this orphaned baby goat. He guzzled the bottle in no time!

This deer wrestled with the hay bale and ended up with a "trophy" on his rack!

More piglets! You really can't tell how small they are from this photo. Trust me -- they were small!

Wolves. They sounded just like dogs barking. I learned that they respond to the sounds of a two-year old having a tantrum. 

Emily held the lion cub. He is so cute and is still bottle-fed. He is spotted, and his mane will not be fully grown in until he reaches 5 years of age. He is playful and so much fun to watch. 

I have nothing good to say about this emu. 

Eli is still talking about how the tiger got in the mud. Large cats often lay in the mud to cool themselves.

Eli asked me to take a photo of this owl. 

And, the mountain lion. If you see one of these guys in your neighborhood, be VERY afraid. 

We loved this draft horse. He loved us because we fed him lots of grass that was beyond his reach!

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