Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Take Some Time Out and PLAY!!!

If you are like me, you have a long to-do list. Life never slows down, and there is more and more to get done in each day. One of my challenging character flaws is that I love to get things done. I know that doesn't sound like a bad thing, but sometimes I overlook the most important things in life because I am so "busy." I will look back one day and realize how much I have missed because I won't take time to relax.

 I have really tried to work on this. I read a great book entitled "Breathe" by Keri Wyatt Kent, and it has been extremely helpful. Actually, I have read it more than once because some of these ideas are hard for me to adopt. But I know there is so much truth in slowing down and living a simpler, slower life. There is great value in relaxing! 

So, I have tried very hard this summer to have more free time. We have played more board games. We have played outside more. We have had less organized activities and more impromptu bike rides. I have started on my journey to Sabbath Simplicity. I am learning to say "no" once in a while. I am answering Jesus' invitation, "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest!!"

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