Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Cicadas are Here

Years ago, I realized that Emily and I were quite different. She went to a sweet little tea party at a friend's grandma's house. It was so cute to dress up the girls and drop them off to mingle with and dine with their little friends. I couldn't wait to pick them up and hear all about the dainty treats and playing house with each other. At the appointed time I showed up to pick them up. Emily did NOT have these stories to share with me. Instead, she was so excited to show me her collection of cicada shells that she had found during the afternoon. I think I must've closed my eyes and said a short prayer, that God would give me the patience to foster her love for bugs. I might have prayed that she would outgrow it too. It's just a phase, right?

No, she has not outgrown it. And, although I don't love to hold toads like she does. And I don't like to hold cicada shells. And I am not thrilled to find a spider spinning a web in the dining room, I have appreciated God's amazing creativity and perfect planning that I have noticed by his many creations -- even the ones I don't love. I have learned a lot through her fascination. I have learned that even the dung beetle has a purpose on this earth. God put the earth and all its inhabitants in perfect balance. It's pretty cool. 

So, thank you, Lord, for challenging me through my curious daughter! Your ways ARE perfect!!!

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