Monday, August 26, 2013

Heritage Bookshelf

I needed a bookshelf. My mom had an extra bookshelf. She brought it to me, with the understanding that it is to stay in the family. Why? We grew up with this shelf, but it was painted sea green and black. I never thought much about the shelf. I never saw much value in the shelf, other than it served a purpose -- to hold things. Then my mom explained to me that her dad -- my grandpa whom I loved dearly -- built the shelf out of fruit crates. All of the sudden, the shelf has value because it was hand-constructed by someone dear to me. 

I decided that I loved the bookshelf -- but not the colors my dad had painted it. After a healthy coat of paint we filled it with some of our favorite books. 

The basket on top of the shelf holds our favorite children's magazines, which we read repeatedly. 

The top shelf holds library and reference books that we need for this week of school.

The second shelf holds some puzzles and activities to keep Eli busy at the table while we have lessons.

And the bottom basket holds oversized books that don't fit on the shelf.

What a fun and simple furniture addition that holds special meaning to me.

One thing that I LOVE about the shelf is the verification of my mom's story, although I didn't doubt her story. This is found on the side of the shelf. I intend to paint the words with a contrasting color to make it stand out.
It says:
45 LBS.

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