Monday, August 26, 2013

Cloverbud Graduation and 4-H Awards

** This is a LATE post. This was part of the 4-H county fair but I didn't have a photo of Emily with her award for the blog.

On Thursday, Megan "graduated" from the Cloverbud program to "real" 4-H. She was recognized with some of the other "graduates" at the awards ceremony on Thursday afternoon. What this really means is that next year we will be scrambling twice as much the week before the fair. Hopefully we will pace ourselves this coming year! I am anxious to see what projects little Miss Megan decides to sign up for and explore!

We didn't know this at the time, but awards are given out at this ceremony. Some are given out for accomplishments throughout the year. Some of the projects have notes on them indicating that they were chosen for a special award. We weren't planning to go to the awards ceremony except that Megan thought it would be neat to go through the "graduation." While we were waiting for the ceremony to start, Matthew read through the program and was surprised to see Emily's name to receive an award for her Animal Science project. The note was on the back of her project, so none of us saw it. What a great surprise! 

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