Saturday, October 5, 2013

12:1 Run

You know what is better than running a half-marathon? Running a half-marathon for a great cause. 

I can say this about the course -- it was HILLY! But, when I think about the desperation felt by parents as they watch their children die from water-related diseases, an entry fee, 12 weeks of training and sore legs the day after are nothing.

Congratulations to Anna for setting a PR on a tough half marathon race course, and finishing 3rd in her age division!

Finishing strong! Matthew finished 4th overall with a PR, and finished first in his age division in the 10k race. I finished 1st overall in my age division, and 26th overall in the half marathon.

Here is more information about the 12:1 mission.
3.575 million people die each year from water-related diseases.
Less than 1% of the worlds fresh water (or about 0.007% of all water on earth) is readily accessible for direct human use.
Without food, a person can live for weeks. Without water, you can expect to only live a few days.Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related disease.
In 2010, the 12:1 Run raised enough money to purchase 70 chlorine producing units. Each unit produces enough chlorine to clean water for 5,000 people for 5 years. Sixteen units were sent to Haiti, one was sent to India, while four units saved lives in Bangladesh. In March, one unit went to Russia, and twenty-four more units went to Haiti. Two months later, twenty more units travelled to Haiti, one was sent to Cameroon, Africa. And finally, fifteen units saved lives in Burundi, Africa.

During the 2011 12:1 Run, money was raised to send six water units to Cameroon, Africa. The country of Chad received twenty units, while Honduras received two. Tanzania has ten water units coming, and Zambia has twelve. Burundi, Africa is receiving a new well. Sierra Leone is also receiving six chlorine producing water units.

Proceeds from the 2012 race totaled $30,000 and enabled a contribution in that amount to the Harmony Bible Church Compassion Ministry; the funds are designated specifically for use in taking clean, safe drinking water all over the world. That means potentially 500,000 people will gain access to something they have never had before – clean water – just this year! Nearly half of the money has already been used to deliver water units to Ethiopia (20 units), Haiti (10), Chad (10), Sierra Leone (6), Philippines (4) and Pakistan (4) and Congo (1). Plans are in the works to send more units to Sierra Leone this year, and some high school students from the area delivered more to Haiti this summer.

Are you interested in helping next year? The 12:1 run is scheduled for October 3, 2014, and they offer kids' races, a 5k, a 10k, a 15k challenge and a half marathon. You can be a part of the solution!!!

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