Friday, October 25, 2013

My Idea of Menu Planning

Menu planning. 
We all have to do it in some way or another. 
Well, unless we actually ENJOY the kids asking, "What's for dinner" at 5:00, and having to answer, "That's a good question!"

I used to use a more traditional menu plan. It was a calendar that I would plan out daily meals. It worked ok, but I realized that I had trouble sticking to it. 

Some weeks I could deliver the meals to the table exactly as they were scripted on paper. But other weeks, we would have one or two busy days and it would throw off the whole menu. I might be too busy (or not home) to get the meal preparations done in time to get it cooked. Some days have interruptions (many of them welcome) or an impromptu trip to the park. Some days as it was time to start meal preparation I would realize that the meat was still frozen. And so, I became frustrated with my menu planning.

I decided that I needed a more flexible menu plan -- one that allowed for interruptions, busy days, and my mistakes. 

Now, instead of laying out a calendar of meals I make a list of meals for the week. (I am careful to make sure there are some quick meals on the list.) At the bottom of the page I include vegetables, side dishes, breads and desserts to choose from. I purchase all the groceries needed for the week. Each day I browse the list and decide what will work for that day. I cross off the meal as I use it, and freeze as many leftovers as possible. Who doesn't love an already prepared meal just waiting to be thawed out??

It has worked for me!!! What works for you?? 


  1. I've been doing a monthly meal plan for quite awhile but I run into the same issues you mentioned. Errands thst take longer than planned, forgetting to thaw ingredients, etc. I might give your plan a try. Thanks for the great idea!
