Saturday, October 5, 2013

Field Trip to Harvestville Farm

We discovered a new favorite farm not too far away from home! After only an hour in the van we pulled into Harvestville Farm to play for the afternoon and pick out fall pumpkins. The kids had so much fun, and I am convinced they would still be there if I had not told them it was time to come home. Although it doesn't cover a huge acreage, there is a variety of activities to keep the little ones entertained.

Unfortunately, we spent so much time here that we missed the apple orchard. It was closed before we got there. No worries, though. I have a feeling we will be back in the area soon!

I can never get enough of these photos.

The jumping pillow -- a great place to wear your kids out!

These riding toys were a lot of fun. You actually power it by moving the handlebars back and forth. 
Now, that is a TRICYCLE!!

Emily can't resist sitting in a saddle, even if the horse isn't real!

The little man took his turn in the saddle too.

Eli wasn't quite tall enough to work these toys. Same concept as the other riding toys -- you prop your feet up and power it and steer it with your hands.

The duck races were very popular. Eli spent a LOT of time here. It is a cool contraption, I admit. You put your ducks in the tube, pump the water to push them down the tube and they come out the end of the tube in front of you. Then, you repeat the process over and over and over and over again until your mom finally carries you off to the CornPool.

This is SO much better than a sand box. I am considering filling our sandbox with corn next year. 

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